The Spirit of Community.



Our mission is to enhance consumer education through scientific research. We aim to improve global human health and wellness by connecting industry workers through directing sustainability practices and cultivating a network of functional foods industry leaders.


Our vision is to build widespread awareness around functional foods. We aim to increase the level that people understand, grow and consume these foods in response to certain diseases and deficiencies in our global community.


We are a team of authentically passionate individuals who value the health of humans and the environment. IFFA is focused on transparency, shared knowledge, and the development of global health. We promote these values to establish a foundation of sustainability and accessible knowledge to all.

Grow With Us.

Key Staff.

Meet the Individuals responsible for bringing functional foods education and practice to local communities! We are educators, healers, and explorers of health and wellness.

Contact us.

Eva Mastoras - IFFA Director

Boulder, CO USA

IFFA was founded on the principle of community involvement and is dedicated to making all voices heard in the functional foods and nutritional health industry.
— Eva Mastoras